Grounding - What Is It?

I am sure you have heard this term many times, and I’m sure you have a general gist of what it is, but I am here to explain the nitty gritty so you have a much better understanding into the science behind it and why it isn’t some “whacky new age” thing.

So, to start: Our bodies have an electrical charge and they are conductive (which is why we can get electrocuted). We are made up of cells, and our cells operate on a specific electrical charge. Cells are made up of electrically charged atoms - protons (positive), electrons (negative) and neutrons (neutral). The electrical charge of the cell is maintained by a balance of negative and positive ions inside and outside the cell. We essentially want to be aiming to become more negatively charged. This is where the Earth’s surface aka grounding comes into play.

Now, lets introduce free radicals. Free radicals are caused by a build-up of excess positive change within the body. In our modern lives, we are constantly exposed to electrical charges through appliances, wifi etc, which causes an increase of positive electrons, in turn causing an increase in free radicals. Free radicals are known to be extremely damaging to our cells, they are unstable molecules and over time they contribute to ageing and various diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disorders. Negative electrons are needed to help neutralise free radicals.

It has been long established that the Earth’s surface possesses a limitless supply of free or mobile electrons. The Earth’s surface is electrically conductive and it is slightly negatively charged due to atmospheric pressure. By connecting with the Earth we get a free flow of negative electrons into the body which can help neutralise free radicals.

There is so much research, which is only growing, to support this. These studies explore all the different benefits you can get from increasing your exposure to negative electrons via the Earth’s surface. These include:

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Enhanced sleep quality

  • Stress alleviation

  • Pain mitigation

  • Optimized blood flow and circulation

  • Reinforced immune system

  • Balanced nighttime cortisol levels

  • Enhanced cardiovascular performance

  • Normalized muscle tension

  • Accelerated recovery from muscle strain

  • Elevated daytime energy levels

  • Diminished presence of free radicals in the body

Needless to say, spending 10-15 minutes per day walking or sitting on the ground bare foot is such a simple way to elevate your health. Now swimming in the ocean can also provide the benefits of grounding! So if walking isn't your thing, then spend some time at the beach!


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